Thursday Chatter | April 9

Good Flames, what cheer?

Our writing theme this month was born of Shakespeare and I have a strong desire to chatter in Iambic pentameter. Worry not, I shall refrain.

Over the centuries, there has been much ado made about Shakespeare and his reputation. Some people insist he was not educated enough to have written his plays. They even accuse him of stealing the work of other playwrights. Others will tell you he had some level of familiarity with seven languages and a vocabulary bigger than his eventual fame.

I choose Team Shakespeare. We all know that a formal education is not an indication of intelligence or ability. Being so gifted with words, then he was likely an excellent listener. For someone with the right mind, listening and observing is a kind of hands-on education in itself.

What I have always loved about Shakespeare is the way he plays with words. The sounds they make were just as important to him as the meanings. And if they has more than one meaning – woohoo – those went straight into his bag of tricks to be thrown down like an Ace in the middle of a poker final.

Did you know, that Shakespeare’s word play actually created new words that are still a part of our speech today? About 1700 of them, scholars have counted. I found this article yesterday that has a cool grid linking Shakespeare’s word to the first play it ever showed up in. He did for language what we still do today, he re-purposed nouns into verbs into adjectives and combined multiple words into a single one. In fact, if Shakespeare hadn’t demonstrated that our language was so flexible in this way, we might still be executing a search for a person’s published, public references on the internet -instead of just googling them.

Shakespeare was the Bard with googliness.

What’s your take on Shakespeare? Have you read his work? Studied his sonnets? Can you quote him on the fly? How many of his plays have you (knowingly) seen on stage or in film adaptations.

I’ve had the good fortune to see “The Tempest” and “Much Ado About Nothing” acted on stage (in person) and I try to watch all of the film adaptations that follow the plays verbatim. My favorite of all his plays is “Titus Andronicus”, but I’m morbid like that, Yo. “Much Ado About Nothing” and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” follow on the favorites list.

Talk to me about The Bard today.

There’s still time to get your act together – April’s week one prompt is waiting for you.

APAD – soul food – write it while it’s hot.

Camp NaNoWriMo – 21 days left. Don’t miss it.

About t.s.wright

Writer, reader, casual photographer, nature-lover, dog mom. I grew up in a tree, inside a book, whispering possible futures into discarded seed pods that curled up and exploded each summer. One day, they cut down my tree and I was forced to go to school while waiting for the replacement trees to grow strong enough to hold me. But while we waited, I grew too heavy and awkward to climb, so I had to get a job. I spent my days surrounded by flimsy walls covered in carpet that made boxes and people who forgot to look out windows. I worked really hard. Possibilities were replaced with formulas and exactitude. Eventually I forgot how to climb a tree...and how to smile. Then one day, a dog licked my foot excessively and I remembered smiling. That reminded me of more things that didn't cost money and couldn't be tallied in a spreadsheet - like hugs and love and being happy. So I found myself a Steve who reminded me what home was. Then we filled it and our hearts with dogs. Eventually we planted our own tree, together. Even though I'm happy right here, right now, I remembered that we all need possibilities to dream of, so I've started writing them down.
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10 Responses to Thursday Chatter | April 9

  1. skyllairae says:

    Team Shakespeare!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Don Wolford says:

    Some interesting facts about Shakespeare. Whoever he was and whoever he borrowed from he is a genius. He’s a bit long winded for modern tastes but he is, at times, sublime. I love him.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Even long-winded his words make the listening worth it. When I was a teen, fellow students complained he was too cryptic. I felt he was just cryptic enough. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and joining in the conversation.


  3. I never cared for him until I read Hamlet — well outside a classroom and all the butchery of my dear old high school English teachers 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. bardiphouka says:

    I think one of the problems with Shakespeare’s plays are not the plays themselves but the actors and directors. They can be terribly..wll…snobbish. I have acted in several of the plays and have seen some of my cohorts doing the same.

    For a really good take on producing Shakespeare I can suggest two things…there is a dopcumentary called for Looking for Richard which is actors and everyday people talking about Shakespeare. And there was a three series CBC production called Slings and Arrows . Each series was a different play being produced by a theatre company. Season one was Hamlet, Series two was That Scottish Play and series three was King Lear. The company needs money the previous artistic director is haunting the new one. And the new one, as it happens, is quite mad at times.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Weekend Wrap-Up | Brigit's Flame

  6. RicoChey says:

    I just wanna be so famous, I can make up names and they become super common names. Apparently we owe the name Jessica to Shakespeare.

    Liked by 1 person

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